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05 Maggio 2015 Postato da: carlo
WinUAE 3.4.x Beta Series Development

WinUAE 3.X.X Fix Aggiornato

Modificato il 26/08/2016 alle ore 19:12:10

Commenti: 247  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1...-9-10-11-12-13


Post inviati: 11780

Visulizza profilo Messaggio Personale
87.7.99.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
carlo 5 Maggio 2015    15:54:26

WinUAE 3.1.0 Beta 1 (01 Gennaio 2015)

- Lowered disk motor startup delay, more closer match with real hardware (at least matches some random drive in my A500)
- Memwatch points in KS ROM address space crashed during reset. (Wrong ROM mirror selection)
- A4000T NCR SCSI data bus width become 16-bit in cycle-exact mode. Caused write triggerable registers to start operation before full 32-bit value was written.
- Memwatch points didn't work in ROM addresses.
- CPU HALT state caused infinite loop in some configurations.
- 2900b16 68040 MMU MOVEM stack frame update was incorrect. (NetBSD crash, probably other Unix-likes too)
- Some 68000 MOVE variants seem to sample interrupt lines before writes and some after writes. Added special case for one variant, allows Made in Croatia / Binary to work in cycle-exact mode. Need more testing later, there does not seem to be any pattern.
- Last line sometimes flickered with random colors in "Double, fields/+" non-interlaced mode.
- RTG mode screenshots in 16-bit host color depth mode had wrong colors.
- Non-cycle exact modes with display vertical diw open but bitplane DMA disabled: in some situations display was corrupted or shifted. (Gloom AGA, Worms Directors Cut title screens)
- Directory filesystem exnext packet update didn't always work correctly if file was deleted during directory enumeration. (Which is technically illegal but it accidentally worked with OFS/FFS and become a feature..)
- Autoconfig space was not unmapped after it finished, broke during previous autoconfig rewrite.
- GUI didn't allow selection of custom SCSI ROM file.
- Completely rewritten CPU idle function, max CPU idle setting should now work without any slowdown side-effects, also lowest CPU idle state should be less than 10%. Please test.
- Last line is not special if A1000 Agnus. I was expecting this result when I noticed that A1000 sprite behavior is different in last line vs later Agnus models. A1000 Agnus: all visible lines are normal, later revisions: last line inhibits bitplane and sprite DMA. Real A1000 confirmed. I think this is last A1000 vs later Agnus revision undocumented difference.
- Small sprite update, only writes to SPRxCTL disarms sprite (I had special case for first DMA write to SPRxPOS too, only because it worked around another old bug..). Now OCS Agnus + ECS Denise + KS3.1 combination mouse cursor sprite corruption is 100% correct.
- On the fly media insertions are now serialized and only processed when Windows PnP manager reports idle state (Media mounting works even if it causes "installing drivers" phase) and multiple simultaneous media insertions also work reliably now (for example USB reader connected with multiple cards already inserted)
- First on the fly inserted device name becomes RDH0:, second RDH1: and so on. Previously number was next available directory filesystem unit number.
- Delay enumeration of inserted/removed input devices by 2 seconds. One removal or insertion can cause multiple device events (which is harmless but sometimes annoying)
- Picasso IV autoconfig missed special case, other boards are 16M in Z3 mode but PIV is 32M. Fixes incorrect address alignment if Z3 fast RAM is also enabled and size is less than 32M. (OS4 black screen hang)
- Picasso IV byteswap VRAM space didn't handle byte reads or writes correctly, only words and longs worked. (OS4 1024*768*16 screen mode glitches, possibly also other 16 bit modes)

New hardware emulated:

- GVP SCSI Series I and II hardware emulation (WD33C93), HC+8 board. v3.15 and v4.15 boot ROMs added to ROM scanner (gvpscsi.device). GVP SCSI enabled + Z2 fast RAM: use GVP Z2 fast ram autoconfig ID.
- DKB 1230/1240 accelerator board + SCSI emulation (FAS246 which appears to be compatible with 53C94/FAS216). SCSI is non-DMA (dkbscsi.device). v1.23 ROM added to ROM scanner. RAM not emulated, no idea about address space.
- Fusion Forty accelerator board emulation. It has interesting menu and graphics in boot ROM, press right mouse button when booting. v3.4 ROM images added to ROM scanner. RAM expansion emulated.
- Toccata Z2 sound card emulation.

Toccata hardware features emulated:
- Mono and stereo channel modes.
- 8-bit and 16-bit linear PCM. Companded (ulaw/alaw) modes are not supported.
- Left and right output channel volume control and mute.
- All AD1848 supported output frequencies.
- Output only. Input channels are not supported.

Technical details:
- Has 1024x9bit FIFO chip, one for output and one for input.
- No DMA. Uses level 6 interrupt to fill FIFO, 512 bytes/interrupt. Interrupt triggers when FIFO has 512 bytes or less
data available. (Which makes about 7 interrupts/frame at 44100Hz/16bit/stereo)

- Different implementation than uae ahi and CD audio. Audio goes to Paula emulation backend (after Paula 8 to 16-bit conversions and filters). Very good latency but glitches are possible if configured buffer size is too small or not enough CPU power available (just like with Paula audio). Toccata emulation should be usable for (game) sound effects too, not just for music.
- Because it uses Paula audio path, Toccata audio is included with sound recording. Same method may be used with CD audio in future. (Possibly optionally).
- It is best to set same sample rate in both AHI and UAE sound settings to reduce possible resampling artifacts.
- Does any DMA capable simple sound cards exist? (Simple = basic CODEC chip only, no DSP chip)

Elenco comandi
  • [b]-[/b]-> Attiva/disattiva il neretto

  • [i]-[/i]-> Attiva/disattiva l'italico

  • [br]-> Inserisce un a capo

  • [p]-> Inserisce un interruzzione di paragrafo

  • [center]-[/center]-> Attiva/disattiva allineamento centrato

  • [justify]-[/justify]-> Attiva/disattiva allineamento giustificato

  • [box]-[/box]-> Apre/chiude una tabella

  • [boxcell]-[/boxcell]-> Apre/chiude una cella

  • [boxrow]-[/boxrow]-> Inizializza/chiude una linea di celle

  • [quote]-[/quote]Url banner:

  • [quote=titolo]-[/quote]-> Come il precedente quote, ma è possibile specificare un titolo

  • [size=valore]-[/size]-> Imposta la grandezza del carattere del testo, 'valore' è la grandezza scelta. E' possibile anche specificare un 'valore' aggiuntivo alla grandezza attuale '[size=+2]'.

  • [color=valore]-[/color]-> Imposta il colore per il testo. 'Valore' è sempre esadecimale e varia da '000000' (nero) a 'ffffff' (bianco). Alcuni esempi:
    'ff0000' = Rosso
    '00ff00' = Verde
    '0000ff' = Blu
    'ffff00' = Giallo
    '00ff00' = Azzurro

  • [url=indirizzo]-[/url]-> Attiva una porzione di testo come link ad un determinato indirizzo, ad esempio [url=]Amigapage[/url] renderà la parola 'Amigapage' come un link che rimanda a ''

  • [img]indirizzo[/img]-> Visualizza l'immagine indicata in 'indirizzo'. E' possibile usare anche la versione [img;w=pixel;h=pixel;mini=valore]indirizzo[/img], il parametro 'w' specifica la lunghezza in pixel da usare
    il parametro 'h' specifica l'altezza in pixel da usare
    il parametro 'mini' specifica il livello di riduzione dell'immagine in percentuale

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