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20 Gennaio 2019 Postato da: amiwell79
Picasso96 V2.3
Ciao a tutti

disponibili i nuovi aggiornamenti su icomp(individual computers)

buona domenica

ps. potevano fare una versione anche sscaricabile

Modificato il 20/01/2019 alle ore 07:47:38

Commenti: 56  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1-2-3

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0
divina 31 Gennaio 2019    00:03:51
//OT @RoC

sperando di fare cosa gradita, il changelog dei nuovi Picasso96 by Individual Computers

"Changes in 2.2:
- P96 bought by iComp, new owner, new rules: The development headers and
includes become public.
- The fastlayers.library is obsolete. The distribution no longer includes it,
and the rtg.library no longer uses it. A v45 version of layers is available in
the aminet which provides similar functions, though not on the basis of a
patch. Otherwise, P96 works also on top of the V40 layers.library.
- rtg.library: Apparently, some line drawing modes were a bit off, especially
in combination with the firstDot flag. This may still require some testing,
- rtg.library: Blitting small bitmaps in 16-bit hi-color mode could have
trashed memory.
- rtg.library: Some min-terms for 15 and 16-bit hi-color when blitting
chunky to hi-color modes trashed registers and hence caused rendering defects.
- rtg.library: Allocating bitmaps for screens that are not yet visible, but about
to become visible caused trashed screen content as soon as the screen was
moved to front. This was because the bitmap already got board memory at its
allocation time, which was however, overwritten by the backfill memory on
a screen flip, causing random nonsense from non-initialized memory on the screen.
- rtg.library: Not yet visible true- or high-color bitmaps that are about to
become visible but are not yet visible get the background color from workbench
screen, even though they may not be even part of the workbench.
- Fixed testing of occluded layers for PIP functions, adapted to the new
V45 layers interface.
- test for native bitmaps: the rtg.library now uses consistently TypeOfMem()
to test whether a bitmap can be accessed by the native chipset or requires
CPU emulation.
- Added a new internal hook, EnableSoftSprite(boardinfo,formatflags,modeinfo) which allows a more flexible switching of softsprites than the simple
SoftSpriteFlags available before. Especially the Cirrus GD534 has strange
rules when the hardware cursor is available and when not.
- Some combinations of mask and line mode did not honor the FRST_DOT flag
of the graphics rastport correctly. Fixed.
- JAM2 in HICOLOR mode rendered incorrect results when drawing lines.
- Some blit combinations with patterns did not honor the minterm combinations
correctly, especially combinations of JAM1/JAM2 and INVERSVID were
- Cirrus GD5434 (PiccoloSD64 and others):
- double line mode was broken
(there is probably still a similar bug in the GD542x)
- softsprite enabling is now more flexible
- avoids color artifacts at the right border in true-color autoscroll
- Due to a forgotten flag in the driver initialization, the pointer
hot-spot was off if the BIGSPRITE option was used and the mode used
line doubling.
- probably many other minor problems...
- Cirrus GD542x (GVP Spectrum and Picasso II)
- removed artifacts on true-color screens with autoscroll enabled.
- there is potentially still a bug in the double-line scan modes.
- Develoment files both for application developers and card developers are
now available. While the previous development files were based on the GD432x
chip and the PicassoII board, both chip and card do not demonstrate the full
feature set of P96 ideally. Instead, the GD5434 and PiccolloSD64 chip and
card are now included. The GD5434 supports double-line scan modes, and requires
a complicated-mode dependent soft-sprite switching that is only supported
by the latest version of the rtg.library.
- Previous versions of P96Mode and the emulation.library required a private link
library, namely the xls.lib. As this library is no longer available, the
missing functions have been re-implemented.
- The P96 monitor driver became a lot shorter now.
- The install tool FindCVPPC caused hits on some systems. The tool was rewritten
to avoid them now.
- Note that you can bypass the Amiga blitter now and use the CPU for blitting,
thus allowing bitmaps in FAST MEM. This requires setting the following
should contain the value "Yes" for this operation.

Changes in 2.3:
- The workaround for the VA2000 card that was in the rtg.library caused some
trouble on regular graphics cards. However, newer versions of the VA2000
firmware no longer require it, and hence the workaround was removed, avoiding
trashed screens when the screen bitmap is smaller than the mode width.
In case you are using this version of P96 with a VA2000, please flash the
latest firmware. All others are good to go with this version."

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin

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