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:) :( :D ;) :P Oo -.- :O :ok: :pugni: :sedia: :tsk: :morto: :vietato: :superman: :sbav: :guardati: :rolleyes: :ghgh: :asd: :specchio: :migira: :incazz: :svitato: :sese: :° :uhm: :eheh: :fii: :muro: :goccia: :clap: :wuatta: :boom: :angelo: :brill: :mhua: :rotfl: :huh: ^^ :nono: :rosso: :azz: :lol: :dmon: :dance: :cool: :bleah: :...: :cuori: :yeah: :alien:

10 Gennaio 2017 Postato da: Seiya
OS4.1 FE Update 1 su WinUAE 3.4.0
Ho scaricato l'update 1, ma non funziona.
io ho installato l'update regolarmente, ho cambiato la startup-sequence con il comando

c:bootloader commandline="norampager"

prima di fare il riavvio
Si blocca subito con la schermata rosa tipica del pre-caricamento su WinUAE.
Ha funzionato solo 1 volta, ma lasciando la memoria di default. Provando poi a impostare la Z3 a 1 GB non carica più.
Le volte successivi ci ho riprovato, ma non c'è modo di farlo avviare anche con la procedura di installazione che viene fatta regolarmente.
Commenti: 478  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1...-20-21-22-23-24

Post inviati: 491

Visulizza profilo Messaggio Personale
212.171.78.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0
White Utente Bloccato fino al 02/03/2018 - 14:44 10 Febbraio 2017    00:16:49
Questa è la parte della documentazione se ti serve altro dimmi pure

AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition FAQ
1.0 Installation/Booting
1.1 Q: Is it possible to boot the Installation CD directly from a SCSI CDROM attached to the optional Blizzard PPC SCSI controller?
A: No, because there is no AmigaOS 4.1 support for the optional Blizzard PPC SCSI controller.
1.2 Q: Is it possible to boot the Installation CD directly from a SCSI CDROM attached to the Cyberstorm PPC SCSI controller?
A: Yes, as long as your SCSI CDROM is properly setup on your SCSI chain and enabled in the setup menu of the Cyberstorm PPC, booting the Installation CD is possible directly from cold boot. Enter the Cyberstorm PPC Phase 5 Control Menu by holding down the “Esc” key when powering on your Amiga. Go into "SCSI", then click Unit number where you have SCSI CDROM connected. Ensure your SCSI CDROM unit is set to "8 LUNs" and change "Auto Mount" to "Mount" and "No CDRom Mount".
The AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Installation CD uses its own RDB (Rigid Disk Block) and CDFS, not the Phase 5 Flashrom CDFS, that is why you must keep your SCSI CDROM unit defaulted to "No CDRom Mount". If you find the Installation CD is not booting directly try to soft-reset your Amiga and trying again. If it is still not booting from the Installation CD, check the "SCSI Reset Delay" setting in the Cyberstorm PPC menu. Go into “SCSI”, then “Controller” (by default in Unit 7), and increase the SCSI Reset Delay value as much as possible as older SCSI CDROMS can take more than 20 seconds to become ready after powering on your Amiga. For newer SCSI CDROMS (for example year 2002 production) values as low as 7 seconds have been tested to work well.
If you still can’t get the Installation CD to boot directly, double check again your settings in the Cyberstorm menu, and verify you are seeing “BootCD” as a bootable device in the Amiga's early startup menu (hold down both mouse buttons at power-on).
Finally, if it still doesn’t boot, use the Boot Floppy in conjunction with the Installation CD to Install AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.
1.3 Q: Is it possible to boot the Installation CD from a USB CDROM drive attached to a Deneb USB Controller?
A: Yes, as long as the Poseidon USB stack is in the Deneb’s flashrom and is configured as follows: Ensure “Simple SCSI” is NOT enabled in the Trident prefs for the massstorage.class binding to your USB CDROM device. Also ensure that Poseidon Popups are set to never open a pop up window. This is very important as pop ups, if they occur, can cause the installation to hang.
Remember that if you make changes to the Poseidon configuration in the Trident prefs you must re-flash your Deneb using the Luciferin software tool to ensure the changes are saved (into the Deneb Flashrom) and therefore available at cold boot. Note that Luciferin, if run under Amiga OS 4.0 or 4.1, needs to be added to the JIT Blacklist in Sysrefs/Compatibility otherwise you will get an error message when you try to flash your Deneb.
Consult the Deneb, Poseidon, or Luciferin documentation for further information. Please note that this is not an officially supported method for Installation. Poseidon, Luciferin, and Deneb are 3rd party products copyrighted and/or trade marked by their respective owners.
NOTE: This is not a recommended installation method as it does not always appear to be 100% reliable.
1.4 Q: Is it possible to create a new Boot Floppy?
A: Yes, there is an ADF (Amiga Disk Format) file “BootFloppy.adf” in the root of the Installation CD. You can create the Boot Floppy using ADF2Disk. Download it from Aminet at It should work under AmigaOS 3.x or 4.x or on a Catweasel using an AmigaONE, SAM, or PC with UAE.
There is also a file named GREXBootDisk.adf which will allow you to create the alternate Boot Disk if you have a GREX installed or you have a BlizzardVision PPC or CyberVision PPC graphics card AND the GREX firmware installed.
More information here: ml
1.5 Q: My Floppy Drive is not visible after booting with the Installation CD so I can’t create a new Boot Floppy?
A: In this case you need to use the already supplied Boot Floppy or create a new one using the procedure in the previous question.
1.6 Q: I booted with the Boot Floppy and Installation CD in the CDROM drive, however I am getting a requestor that says "Please insert volume AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition in any drive".
A: There are two possibilities here:
1) Your CDROM drive has not been detected by the Boot Floppy. Refer to the "Booting the AmigaOS 4.1 Installation CD" section in the Installation Guide for troubleshooting tips.
2) Your CDROM drive needs more time to detect the Installation CD, so you can opt to "Retry". Check the Access LED on your CDROM drive to see if it's blinking. Have patience as it can take some time to access the CD.
1.7 Q: Accessing the Installation CD is very slow.
A: Please be patient, there are thousands of files that need to be copied and some CDROM drives can take quite some time to access all the files. The Amiga's IDE port is operating at PIO Mode 0 due to Classic Amiga hardware limitations.
1.8 Q: My CyberVision PPC or BlizzardVision PPC graphics card is not being detected by the Installation CD. I am not getting any signal to my CyberVision or BlizzardVision PPC graphics card. Why?"
A: You are probably running the latest version of the Blizzard PPC or Cyberstorm PPC firmware, the one that added support for OpenPCI and the GREX. If you see a “PCI” menu entry in the Cyberstorm or Blizzard PPC menu (press ESC at power-on to access the menu), then you are running the latest firmware. The Installation will default to AGA or ECS native display in this case. You will need a 15KHz monitor such as a Commodore 1084S connected to the Amiga's native RGB video output in order to complete the Installation. Amiga 3000 users can use a 31KHz display connected to the 15-pin video output of the Amiga 3000. You may proceed to install AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and during the install you should select that you have a CyberVision PPC or BlizzardVision PPC graphics card. After finishing the install and rebooting, your Graphics card will be available to select in Screenmode prefs. Older firmware revisions do not exhibit this problem and the Installation CD will detect the CV PPC or BV PPC card properly.
Alternatively you may create a new Boot Floppy using GREXBootDisk.adf and ADF2Disk. Use this Boot Floppy and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition will install using the display output from your BlizzardVision or CyberVision PPC graphics card. Please
refer to question 1.4 in this FAQ for instructions. GREXBootDisk.adf is located on the root of the Installation CD.
1.9 Q: I installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition OK, powered off my Amiga, then powered it back on but it fails to boot. It is stuck at a shell prompt, or it has crashed with a software failure or ramlib error.
A: Things to check:
 Boot again with the Boot Floppy and Installation CD. Select "Continue and start Workbench directly from the CD" when the blue Welcome screen appears. After the Workbench starts, launch Media Toolbox from the AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition CD - it is located in the "System" directory. Verify that your boot partition is inside the first 4GB of your hard disk and that the partition is set to Bootable in Media ToolBox and has the highest boot priority with respect to other bootable partitions. Verify you can see and access the partition you installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition to on the Workbench.
 Double check that you placed a RDB (Rigid Disk Block) on your hard drive. To verify, start Media ToolBox, select your device, then select your hard disk and click "Edit partitions and filesystems". Click the "Add, remove, or edit filesystems" button. Ensure that you have at least SmartFileSystem and/or FastFileSystem listed in the details section. The Filesystem you have in the RDB should match the Filesystem selected for your boot partition. If it is blank (eg, there is nothing in the RDB), you can add the required Filesystem to the RDB. To add a FileSystem to the RDB, select "Add new FS", then browse to the L: directory on the Installation CD and add either FastFileSystem or SmartFileSystem (or both). Click OK to accept settings. It is important to note that when adding the FileSystem to the RDB you must edit the "DosType" so it matches the FileSystem. For FastFileSystem (FFS7) use 444F5307. For SFS0 use 53465300. You may need to reboot after doing this. For further information please read the section in the guide named "Hard Disk setup with Media Toolbox".
 If you have used the same hard disk from an AmigaOS 3.x or 4.0 installation and you are using FFS (FastFileSystem), ensure that you upgrade FFS by placing the latest version into the RDB. The version of FastFileSystem supplied is 52.6 and is 68k compatible. You can do this by booting with the Installation CD and going into Media Toolbox (see the above note on the instructions to add an RDB). The FastFileSystem is found in the L: directory of the Installation CD.
 Boot again with the Boot Floppy and Installation CD, Install AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and format your Boot partition when asked during the Instllation. Note that this action will destroy all data on the partition.
 Ensure you have installed to a blank formatted partition using either FFS with Long Filenames (DOS7) or SFS file systems (SFS0).
 Hook up a 1084S or other 15Khz compatible monitor to your Amiga's RGB port to see what is on the screen and where the booting stops.
 Disable or Remove any Zorro based FlashROM cards as their contents may not be compatible with AmigaOS 4.1.
 Refer to the Installation Guide for further Information.
TIP: you can always boot to Workbench using the Boot Floppy and Installation CD for troubleshooting purposes.
1.10 Q: My Amiga won’t boot and at least one Zorro card is showing as “Defective”.
A: You might have run out of address space. If you have many Zorro cards or Zorro cards in conjunction with a Mediator, you can potentially run into this issue. If you have a Mediator with a 256MB Radeon graphics card, multiple 256MB ZorRAM’s, or other similar arrangements of add-on cards, you might have to make some sacrifices as there is only a finite amount of address space available. Either remove some cards or use the smaller memory configurations (eg. 128MB Radeon instead of a 256MB and reduce the Winsize on the Mediator to 256MB), etc. Some experimentation may be required to get a configuration that the Amiga likes. Note that this is not an AmigaOS 4.1 issue specifically, but rather a limitation of the Amiga itself.
1.11 Q: What is the GREXBootDisk.adf in the root of the Installation CD?
A: This boot floppy can be used if you have a GREX 1200 or 4000 PCI Bus-board attached to your Blizzard PPC or Cyberstorm PPC. It will enable the GREX for Installation. Please see question In this case the installer will open on a 15Khz AGA screen unless you have another graphics card.

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    il parametro 'mini' specifica il livello di riduzione dell'immagine in percentuale

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