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14 Marzo 2021 Postato da: saimo
ArtPazz, nuovo giochino per AGA
Di recente mi sono tolto uno sfizio che durava da decenni: rifare un mio vecchissimo giochino usando ALS (la libreria per AMOS Professional che vi ho presentato tempo fa). Il gioco è praticamente finito e lo metterò a disposizione gratuitamente a breve da qui .
E' un gioco intenzionalmente semplicissimo.


Seguono delle informazioni di contorno prese direttamente dal manuale.


In 1995, I made my third little game for Amiga (while, instead, I should have studied for the high school final exam). It did not look good (although my eyes could not see that back then) and it had a very annoying feature that was even totally superfluous, but it was fun enough and I actually enjoyed it with some friends in a couple of occasions. The game was written with AMOS Professional.
Eleven years later (2006), I worked on a project for the local department of the Ministry of Heritage. I had a technical role and I was surrounded by art experts. The project was called "ART-PAST". It was so badly planned, the resources were so scarce, the salaries were so low and the demands on my colleagues were so huge that we soon ended up calling the project "ART-PAZZ" ("pazzo" means "mad", "crazy" in Italian), as those people were being driven mad and the overall atmosphere was totally crazy.
Now, fifteen additional years later (2021), during a break from a non-computer-related project, I found the perfect time for a small project like this. I rewrote the game from the scratch using ALS, a graphics engine for AMOS Professional I released in October 2020 (rewriting the game using CSS, the ALS predecessor, is something I had been wanting to do for ages), keeping it as simple as I could.
I chose the name "ArtPazz" because the game might actually drive crazy, because "Pazz" (in Italian) sounds similar to "puzz" from "puzzle", because I threw some paintings in the mix and because it gave me one more reason to have a good laugh with some of the old friends involved in the ART-PAST project.


As indirectly stated above, ArtPazz has been written with AMOS Professional (version 2.00, to be precise). However, thanks to the self-produced ALS engine (, it is a proper AGA game - in fact, it:
· uses 8 bitplanes;
· uses 24-bit colors;
· allows 6-bit images under a 2-bit overlay with partially transparent colors.

Note: the overlay colors are white, gray and black; that is not due to technical limitations, but to ensure that the overlay looks fine regardless of the hues of the underlying images.

Modificato il 14/03/2021 alle ore 18:09:53

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