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:) :( :D ;) :P Oo -.- :O :ok: :pugni: :sedia: :tsk: :morto: :vietato: :superman: :sbav: :guardati: :rolleyes: :ghgh: :asd: :specchio: :migira: :incazz: :svitato: :sese: :° :uhm: :eheh: :fii: :muro: :goccia: :clap: :wuatta: :boom: :angelo: :brill: :mhua: :rotfl: :huh: ^^ :nono: :rosso: :azz: :lol: :dmon: :dance: :cool: :bleah: :...: :cuori: :yeah: :alien:

19 Agosto 2009 Postato da: Galileo
Come posso ripristinare O.S. 3.9 che non parte più?????
Ciao a utti, dopo lungo pellegrinare sono riuscito ad avere un Amiga 1200 con Blizzard IV 68030 con annesso HD e lettore DVD con installato O.S. 3.9, passo al problema premettendo che parto da zero anche se ho sempre usato un amiga 500 ma nulla di paragonabile con la macchina di cui sono venuto in possesso.

Ho acceso la macchina un paio di volte e mi e' sempre partito il boot con annesso caricamento del sistema operativo 3.9, al che detta da di chi mi ha passato l'amiga mi aveva assicurato che leggeva sia mp3 e video ma quando tentavo di far partire gli stessi la macchina mi restituiva un errore. Mi sono detto provo reistallare il sistema dal cd e cosi' o fatto ripartire l'installazione (che perla di furbizia), conclusione!? non mi carica piu' niente!!

Ora che devo fare per ripristinare il sistema, oppure reinstallare da zero??
Mi e' stato dato solo il cd con OS 3.9.

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Amiga Supremo 19 Agosto 2009    23:49:16

Sul CD di AOS 3.9 c'è anche AOS 3.1; prepara un flopy di emergenza (è sempre sul CD di AOS 3.9) e reinstalla tutto partendo da li.

The emergency disk

To avoid having to search floppy disks and drivers to re-install your system in case of an emergency you should let the installation program create a emergency disk for you. With this emergency disk you are able to boot into a plain AmigaOS 3.9 installation using the AmigaOS 3.9 CD-ROM. You just need a write-able DD disk to do this.

Put your AmigaOS 3.9 Update CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive if not already done.
Open the AmigaOS 3.9 symbol and the drawer "OS-Version3.9" with double clicks.
In the window that opens now you will see an installation icon.
Double click the icon "OS3.9-Installation".
The installer window opens and shows a selection of installation options. Select the option "Create emergency disk" and click on "Proceed".
Insert an empty floppy disk. The disk you inserted will now be formatted and all files that are needed to start the system and access the CD-ROM drive will now be copied. If you use a RTG system like CyberGraphX or Picasso 96 RTG system drivers will also be copied.

Thus you won't need to plug a 15 KHz monitor to you Amiga just to boot use the emergency system, because the emergency disk will initialize the RTG system during boot.

Note: The settings for CD-ROM and graphics board support on your emergency disk get invalid if you change your hardware configuration.

If you replace your graphics board or change the unit number of your CD-ROM drive, you have to create a new emergency disk or adapt your old one manually.

Update installation

You should do the update installation if you already have installed AMIGA OS 3.5 on your AMIGA successfully. During the update installation all new components will be installed.
You do not necessarily have to do this installation on your boot partition - you can choose any partition. Please note that the boot partition always must have the highest priority in your system. You can change this with HD Toolbox, if necessary.

Full installation

A full installation must be done, if you want to install the new AMIGA OS 3.9 on an empty partition or in case of emergency. Please boot from your emergency disk
before doing the full installation.
During the full installation all system components from AMIGA OS 3.1 up to AMIGA
OS 3.9 will be copied to your harddisk. If you do this installation after booting directly from the emergency disk, the CD-ROM driver and the driver of your grafics card will be installed too.
After the full installation you can boot from your new installed partition directly.

Internet software

Put your AmigaOS 3.9 Update CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive if not already done.
Open the AmigaOS 3.9 symbol and the drawer "OS-Version3.9" with double clicks.
In the window that opens now you will see an installation icon.
Double click the icon "OS3.9-Installation".
The installer window opens and shows a selection of installation options. Select the option "Internet package" and click on "Proceed".

Three software packages will be installed. These are the TCP/IP stack, the browser and the email client. The installation is nearly completely automatic. Just choose the drawer you want to install the internet applications to. The default drawer is "SYS:Internet". To configure the programs to your internet provider please start them separately and enter the data for your internet connection.

Note: You can find more information about how to configure the internet software properly on the online documentation on the CD-ROM.
To configure your web browser properly please start the program "AWebCfg". Using the pull down menu "Windows" you can access all configuration windows. There you can set all necessary options. Please have a look at the network settings and the configuration of mail and news especially.
To configure your email program start "AmigaMail" and choose the menu "Settings/Configure". Enter all necessary options here.

PowerPC support

Put your AmigaOS 3.9 Update CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive if not already done.
Open the AmigaOS 3.9 symbol and the drawer "OS-Version3.9" with double clicks.
In the window that opens now you will see an installation icon.
Double click the icon "OS3.9-Installation".
The installer window opens and shows a selection of installation options. Select the option option "PowerPC support" and click on "Proceed".

The installation is nearly completely automatic. You just have to choose the exact PowerPC board and graphics card that are installed in your computer.
Note: If you have installed the PowerUP kernel - look for the file "ppc.library" in "LIBS:" - incompatibilities can show up.

CD-ROM driver

To install AmigaOS 3.9 you need a CD-ROM drive. If you have done a pre installation on a partition that has no CD-ROM driver you will have to install a CD-ROM driver to that partition using this option.

Put your AmigaOS 3.9 Update CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive if not already done.
Open the AmigaOS 3.9 symbol and the drawer "OS-Version3.9" with double clicks.
In the window that opens now you will see an installation icon.
Double click the icon "OS3.9-Installation".
The installer window opens and shows a selection of installation options. Select the option "CD-ROM driver" and click on "Proceed".

The installer script will ask you which partition you want to install the CD-ROM driver to. This should be the partition you want to install AmigaOS 3.9 to. During the installation you have to set some options. If you are unsure about one option please read the help text that you can show using the "Help" button.

Una volta reinstallato il SO, installa anche i BOING BUG 1 e 2. 9-2.lha

Domanda, ma quando hai reinstallato il SO, cosa hai fattto di preciso?
Per non saper ne' leggere, ne' scrivere, magari prima di procedere, fai un bel backup (non si sa mai che ci sia ancora qualcosa che potrebbe tornarti utile in seguito).

...A good friend of flew on the Commodore Jet to Irving Gould's house in the Bahamas in about 1996. At that time Irving Gould was alive and well living in retirement and was believed to still be a Canadian citizen. Go CANADA!!!

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