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12 Aprile 2020 Postato da: SukkoPera
Raemixx500: Nuova mainboard A500+
Avete un uovo di Pasqua vuoto? No problem, lo riempio io virtualmente io con questa nuova scheda che pubblico oggi! Si chiama Raemixx500 ed è un remake della mainboard dell'Amiga 500+. So che ce ne sono già altri in giro, ma al solito nessuno è totalmente Open, al contrario del mio.

Per ora è molto fedele all'originale, vedere il sito per le differenze. Il problema è che non l'ho testata, perché non è economicissima da produrre. Se qualcuno volesse lanciarsi con me in questa cosa, senza alcuna garanzia, credo che con altri 2-3 partecipanti si possa mantenere il costo di una singola scheda sotto i 25€.

In ogni caso, fatene buon uso, ci ho lavorato più di un anno (non continuativamente, il che in realtà complica le cose...). Anche senza certezze di funzionamento, avere schema e PCB su KiCad può essere utile per il troubleshooting.

Buona Pasqua .


Modificato il 12/04/2020 alle ore 12:02:16

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SukkoPera 19 Giugno 2021    11:59:55
Posto qua in ritardo perché avrei voluto tradurre, ma poi ho perso la voglia...

As it turns out, after quite some time someone finally understood that Open Hardware is about trying to do your part rather than coming up with heaps of useless talking and moaning or blatant stealing and allowed this project to reach the next milestone.

So despite knowing he could be jumping into the void, fellow Italian living in Japan Edoardo Auteri put confidence, money, time and effort into assembling a board. He had some initial issues but these were tracked down to a faulty Paula chip. After replacing it the board booted right away so he went on with thorough testing of almost all system components:
[*] Internal Chip RAM (1 MB Configuration)
[*] Composite and RGB video output
[*] Audio output
[*] Trapdoor Chip RAM expansion
[*] Keyboard and leds
[*] RTC
[*] Serial port
[*] Kickstart 3.1.4
[*] Internal and external floppy drives
[*] Integrated drive switcher
[*] Several games
[*] Controller ports with Mouse/Joystick/CD32 Gamepad
[*] 12h burn-in test with *Mortal Kombat 2*
[*] TF536 basic testing
[*] 8h burn-in test with TF536
[*] Raspi-based RGBtoHDMI adapter
[*] Original shielding/case fit

Basically he tested everything except the Parallel Port and the Edge Expansion Connector. The board fully passed every test, proving to be perfectly stable and reliable. Edoardo only encountered one minor issue plus another one I was already aware of, as it had been reported by @LIV2, both of which were easily corrected. He also came up with a number of suggestions for improvements which I incorporated in a new revision of the board which is now under testing.

The new board will be released as soon as it has been tested. The full design files will be available but I changed the license to CC BY-NC-SA . TBH, if it were for me, I wouldn't have released any sources any more but I felt that Edoardo did such a huge job that he deserved to be the one to choose what to do (besides getting his moniker among the credits on the silkscreen). He chose to keep it open source and so be it. This means the "community" will soon get fully tested schematics and gerbers for an Amiga 500+. A lot of great things could be born from these, let's see what happens.

Someone else I would like to thank is an Englishman named Ibrahim Imran: he ordered some boards and even sent one to me for free. He intended to try and assemble one but was halted by personal circumstances. I am a bit worried because I tried to get back in touch with him several times but he never replied. I hope he's doing well. The board he sent me was first of all a pleasant gift (you know... after 2 years of work on that project, you finally get a physical board in your hands, aaaaaah!) but it also proved very useful for testing the dimensions, connector placement and choosing positions for the new features.

One more time, this is a small example of how the open development model works and how it thrives when everybody does a little bit. I really wish the "community" really took this to heart and started supporting open projects rather than the selfish and greedy speculators they are standing up for right now.

Per vedere le foto date un'occhiata al mio post originale su EAB .

I miei progetti Retrogaming

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