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:) :( :D ;) :P Oo -.- :O :ok: :pugni: :sedia: :tsk: :morto: :vietato: :superman: :sbav: :guardati: :rolleyes: :ghgh: :asd: :specchio: :migira: :incazz: :svitato: :sese: :° :uhm: :eheh: :fii: :muro: :goccia: :clap: :wuatta: :boom: :angelo: :brill: :mhua: :rotfl: :huh: ^^ :nono: :rosso: :azz: :lol: :dmon: :dance: :cool: :bleah: :...: :cuori: :yeah: :alien:

23 Marzo 2021 Postato da: saimo
Follix - nuovo gioco per Amiga AGA [RILASCIATO]
Da un paio di giorni mi sono messo a rifare il mio primo gioco in assoluto. Tutte le informazioni sotto (e scusate come sempre l'inglese, ma sono in stato di privazione di sonno devastante - anche a causa di questo gioco - per cui ora non ce la faccio a tradurre; e poi, prima di allungarmi un attimo sul letto, c'ho da fare delle aggiunte al gioco che mi ronzano in testa da stanotte )


Making ArtPazz (a remake of my third game ever, done in 1995) spurred me to remake (for the... erm... 4th time!) also my very first game (originally made in 1994): enter Follix, another puzzler for all AGA Amigas! The game has been in the works only for a couple of days now: the core is in place, but of course all the rest still needs to be done.
The original game was heavily inspired by Atomix, and so is Follix, although it introduces some gameplay changes. The "ix" at the end of the name comes precisely from "Atomix" - "Folli" instead, comes from "Follia", which is the Italian for "madness" (which links the game to ArtPazz also name-wise).


The video shows the basic gameplay mechanics and these visual effects:
* 24-bit translucencies;
* 24-bit fading from/to black;
* 24-bit cross-fading;
* 8-bit alpha-cycling*;
* 8-bit alpha-cycling and 24-bit cross-fading at the same time*.

(*I genuinely wonder if this has ever done before on Amiga.)

Please note that the graphics are temporary: probably they will change completely (in fact, I'm going to experiment with something totally different right after posting this).
Technical note: like ArtPazz, also Follix is written entirely with AMOS Professional 2.00 and the in-house ALS library .

P.S. And, yes, now I'm dying to remake also my second game ever, but that's just one more entry in my TO-DO list for the moment being.

Modificato il 14/07/2021 alle ore 07:53:00

Commenti: 27  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1-2

Post inviati: 695

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37.183.186.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0
saimo 17 Aprile 2021    15:50:45
C'è ancora un bel po' di lavoro da fare, ma il gioco si avvia al completamento!
Ah, una cosa che ho dimenticato di dire finora: anche questo gioco sarà gratis


Since the previous preview, the following happened (details further below);
* added records;
* added HUD (I went for a bold and, at the same time, fresh and simple style);
* added 14-bit playback for speech samples (now they are crystal clear, while before the quantization noise was very audible - compare with the previous videos);
* attenuated reverb effect on speech samples;
* added saving of the number of the last level played, so, when it starts, the game automatically sets that level as the default one (of course, the player can still decide to play any other level among those that have been completed previously);
* improved some graphics;
* added saving of the audio mode setting;
* reworked startup code so that it is much faster (this was planned since the beginning);
* reduced disk space occupation;
* implemented advanced data loading/saving system.

About the records:
* the game measures the time taken to complete the levels;
* the game keeps track of the best time of each level.

About the HUD:
* top: current time;
* middle: level number;
* bottom: record time.

About the data loading/saving system:
* loads the saved data both from local file and through nonvolatile.library (handling graciously the cases where any or even both of the sources is/are not available);
* if both sources are available, merges the loaded data so that the resulting data contains the best information;
* saves the data to a local file and, failing that, tries to save it through nonvolatile.library;
* performs sanity checks/repairs;
* needs 44 bytes of disk space / 5 nonvolatile slots.

At the moment, there is a simple time limit of 20 minutes to complete a puzzle (which is almost as if there were no limit, as I don't want to put too much pressure on the player), but I'm still thinking about introducing a time limit system similar to the original one. More precisely, I'm considering whether to add a level-proportional time limit that can be extended with the time left from the previous level, while keeping the pressure of time low.

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