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28 Dicembre 2022 Postato da: amiwell79
ASMPro v1.19
Update di questo software per programmare in assembly


This release fixes a number of KS2.x, 68000/010, and FPU compatibility
issues, as well as a large number of other issues (over 60 bugfixes in
total, see the history file for details). You can run it on KS2.04+
and 68000 based systems again.
Code has been cleaned up and optimized (over 2600 micro optimizations,
and a number of subroutines rewritten), resulting in 15KB reduction of
the executable size and a smaller memory footprint overall.

Additions (detailed description available in the history file):
1. WX command to enable short code and data hunks (code+bss, data+boss)
2. ADDBP directive to add a breakpoint from the source code
3. Command line history jump by 10 lines, don't store repeated lines
4. Macro symbol parameter <symbol> and <$symbol> (vasm style)
5. Assembly elapsed time

Modificato il 28/12/2022 alle ore 13:00:40

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