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24 Dicembre 2022 Postato da: amiwell79
IdentifyLib v41.0 (OS3)
Identify is a system shared library that identifies your hardware
expansions, system parameters, and other IDs.


- Identifies expansion card names, alerts, and function call names
- Gives information about your Amiga model, CPU, OS version,
available memory, chipset, and much more...
- Supports from AmigaOS 2.0 up to the latest AmigaOS 3.2.1
- The expansion database contains 358 manufacturers and 675 boards
- Distinguishes between most GVP and Phase5 boards with unique ID
- Tries to give at least a hint if the board name is not known yet
- Fully FPGA, DraCo, and PowerPC compatible
- Supports PowerUp and WarpOS
- Fully localized (catalogs included: Deutsch, Français, Italiano)
- Use the features in ARexx, with the included rexxidentify.library
- English and German documentation

New in this release:

- Many bugfixes
- Many new and corrected expansions
- IDTAG_Secondary was never properly implemented, and is removed now

Identify is Open Source Software. The source code is distributed under
the LGPLv3 Lesser Gnu Public License.
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