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20 Novembre 2023 Postato da: amiwell79
IconLib v46.4.579
Libreria ottimizzata in ASM per visualizzare tutti i tipi di icone su amiga minimo richiesto OS 3.0

Latest changes:

A bugfix for WB 3.0/3.1, where creating new drawers
by using WB menu caused an "object not found" error.
This bug was introduced in the snapshot code of #578.

Added the options "DropNewIcons", "KeepNewIcons" and
"DropColorIcons", "KeepColorIcons" for WB 3.0/3.1.

These global options are working similar to the v45+
Workbench Preferences switches "No NewIcons" and "No
ColorIcons", but I've written them for WB 3.0/3.1 on
demand from a user, who wanted to get rid of NewIcon
and ColorIcon images. So, on WB 3.0/3.1 only, these
options will cut off unwanted images by saving icons.

DropNewIcons can remove the images from the tooltypes
by writing the displayed planar icons back to disk.
This can be done by selecting (all) icons in a window
and snapshot their position as long as they were not
moved before. Or you may use SwazInfo to save them.

DropColorIcons can remove all chunky and ARGB images
from icons (NewIcons too) when you save them to disk.
Then, only the old planar and MWB images will remain.

Updated PngCrush for the Bonus/ConvertToPngIcon tool.
But this will not cause any functional changes.
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