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18 Dicembre 2022 Postato da: amiwell79
SoftIEEE v40.4
Librerie matematiche per LC CPU (68K)

SoftIEEE provides both a high-precision mathematical floating point
library for 80 bit (extended precision) floating point operations, and
a software based FPU emulator for FPU-less Motorola processors, from
68000 to 68LC060. That is, even a 68000 can be equipped with a
"virtual FPU" (albeit a very slow one).

Purpose and goal of SoftIEEE:

- Provide high-precision mathematics with 80 bit precision, including
elementary and transcental functions. The overall precision of this
library exceeds the precision of the 68881/882 FPUs.

- Provide a software emulator for 68881/882 and other Motorola FPUs
such that FPU-based programs can be used natively on FPU-less
systems. Programs not depending on an FPU will execute in normal
speed without any penalty, though FPU emulation is naturally slower
than on a system equipped with a FPU. FPU-less does not only include
the 68LC040 and 68LC060 processors, also 68030 and smaller
processors can be equipped with a virtual FPU.
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