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26 Ottobre 2015 Postato da: amiwell79
Installare Amithlon

Per installare Amithlon occorre, un computer con un processore (mono processore) da 2,0 ghz in su (io utilizzo un celeron 2,4 ghz e mi guardo anche i video ad una risoluzione discreta) un giga di ram vanno bene, hd ide il sistema formatta fino ad 80 gb, scheda grafica io ho una vetusta gforce 2 400 mmx pienamente supportata, cmq con il kernel 3.10 vanno anche le piu' moderne della serie 5000 sempre nvidia con queste schede supererete l'ostacolo vesa e quindi avrete molte risoluzioni da utilizzare io attualmente con la mia vado a 1280x1024(cmq dato uno sguardo su hdzone(digitate amithlon su google e' il primo sito che vi compare) per sapere di piu' su i nuovi kernel driver lato linux e compatibilita' cmq se prendete un computer mono processore andate sul sicuro e godete abbastanza, io ho provato il p4,celeron e amd con successo


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Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** NetSurf/3.6 (AmigaOS,m68k)
Commento 41
amiwell79 12 Luglio 2018    08:20:34
ho trovato i driver picasso nella pagina degli unofficial boin bags, warp3d 4.2b su aminet, mi serve la scheda, ma e' compatibile solo la voodoo 3 o altre della serie, costa un centino quest'ultima.

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Commento 42
divina 14 Luglio 2018    20:01:29

mi sono informato in giro per la rete forse con una voodoo 3 e' possibile avere warp3d su amithlon, almeno dalle faq di bern mayer risulta cosi', ma bisogna avere i driver picasso originali.

davvero ? hai qualche url in merito ?
Quando utilizzavo ai tempi Amithlon non era possibile, poiché essi (warp3D) sono specifici per la daughterboard PCI utilizzata (es. per G-rex, diversi da Prometheus e Mediator)

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** IBrowse/2.4demo (AmigaOS 3.9; 68K)
Commento 43
amiwell79 14 Luglio 2018    20:10:45
non ho capito bene la cosa come funziona forse andrei a spendere solo soldi ma le faq di Ber Mayer sono chiare penso

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Commento 44
divina 14 Luglio 2018    20:16:12
letto, grazie

"Please note that to run the W3D drivers, one needs to do one small hack to the P96 drivers. And we won’t tell you what that hack is. The reason for this is that Warp3D is commercially licensed software, and nobody has yet paid for a W3D license for Amithlon. So while we are more than happy to demonstrate this stuff and to show that it does indeed work from a technical point of view, using W3D under Amithlon is completely unsupported from a business point of view."

bisognerebbe sapere quale hack
In ogni caso i games Warp3D 68k sono pochissimi; Quake I, Freespace e se non erro un porting di Hexen

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** NetSurf/3.6 (AmigaOS,m68k)
Commento 45
amiwell79 14 Luglio 2018    20:31:17
il fatto che amithlon usa i driver lato linux, quindi come fai a dargli in pasto i driver della voodoo, dovrei procedere con un upgrade di picasso(che e' installato di default)ed installare appunto i driver e poi scegliere nelle preferenze del monitor.
Cmq esiste un motore warp e soft per quake 2 ed oltre a hexen c'e' hexen 2 e poi arti ha portato cube e cube 2.

Commento modificato il 14/07/2018 alle ore 20:37:50

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Commento 46
divina 14 Luglio 2018    20:55:20

Cmq esiste un motore warp e soft per quake 2 ed oltre a hexen c'e' hexen 2 e poi arti ha portato cube e cube 2.

è vero non li avevo considerati non essendo sufficiente la CPU 060 reale emulata dovrebbero andare benone, oppure meglio ancora potresti prendere un qualsiasi Mac G4 con scheda ATI (Warp3d compatibile e MorphOS 3.11) dato che sono tutti games portati per PowerPC e di requirements irrisorie

Commento modificato il 14/07/2018 alle ore 20:56:11

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** NetSurf/3.6 (AmigaOS,m68k)
Commento 47
amiwell79 14 Luglio 2018    20:59:27
per il momento voglio restare in ambiente classic, mi da piu' soddisfazioni, in alternativa avrei gia' pronto ed installato aros su un'altro hd, ma non mi va di usarlo per il momento.


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** IBrowse/2.4demo (AmigaOS 3.9; 68K)
Commento 48
amiwell79 14 Luglio 2018    22:13:17
aggiungo nella lista dei giochi warp openarena e quake 3

SysAdmin Unix/Linux - fiero o folle possessore di un AmigaOne

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87.0.62.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36
Commento 49
VagaPPC 18 Luglio 2018    13:15:08
Appena riesco a mettere su le mani su una scheda Radeon 9200 PCI, provo il passtrhoug di Amithlon su QEMU.
Poi vi farò sapere

WorkStation: Amiga x5000 AOS4.1 - MorphOS MiniMac - Vampire V4 - PC AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 64Gb RAM 5Ghz

Old System Amiga 500,1200, A4000/60 PowerPPC, CybervisionPPC, SUN Ultra5, PowerMAC G4 450Mhz 1Gb

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Commento 50
divina 18 Luglio 2018    14:42:42

Appena riesco a mettere su le mani su una scheda Radeon 9200 PCI, provo il passtrhoug di Amithlon su QEMU.
Poi vi farò sapere

è inutile; le schede ATI 9xxx non sono supportate per quanto concerne Warp3D in OS Amiga 68k (lo sono solo in sistemi "AmigaNG" PPC)

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin

Pegasus RyuSei Ken

Post inviati: 10185

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95.249.25.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36
Commento 51
Seiya 18 Luglio 2018    15:14:34
guardate che su Amithlon l'accelerazione Warp3D con una Voodoo3 funziona solamente su una versione hackerata di Amithlon solo a scopo di test. non è mai stata rilasciata ne pubblicamente ne privatamente.
Avere una Voodoo3 su Amithlon non cambia nulla. l'acellerazione 3D non c'è se non quella emulata via software con Warpz3D.

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Commento 52
divina 18 Luglio 2018    22:40:25

su Amithlon l'accelerazione Warp3D con una Voodoo3 funziona solamente su una versione hackerata di Amithlon solo a scopo di test. non è mai stata rilasciata ne pubblicamente ne privatamente.

penso sia quella che cerca amiwell79 allora
p.s. se la trovate interesserebbe anche a me riprovarla a distanza di tanti anni

Commento modificato il 18/07/2018 alle ore 22:41:51

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** Mozilla/5.0 (i686; AROS; Odyssey Web Browser; rv:1.25) AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) OWB/1.25 Safari/602.1
Commento 53
amiwell79 19 Luglio 2018    11:43:27
si c'erano delle situazioni legali riguardo warp3d su amithlon

Pegasus RyuSei Ken

Post inviati: 10185

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87.15.126.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36
Commento 54
Seiya 19 Luglio 2018    12:43:46
giusto, c'era anche questo problema. Hyperion odiava Amithlon perchè lo vedeva in un concorrente sleale nei confronti di AmigaOS 4 e ha fatto di tutto per impedire il supporto War3D e accesso diretto
all'hardware PC.
Quando poi Bernie Meyer aveva annunciato Umilator, il seguito di Amithlon e l'intenzione di Amiga Inc di supportarlo attivamente anche come modello Amiga ufficiale è scoppiato il finimondo. La comunità dimostrò ancora una volta il suo estremo xenofobismo riguardo gli x86, ma poi accetto di buon grado hardware non Amiga per far girare OS4 e MOS.

Commento modificato il 19/07/2018 alle ore 12:45:08


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** Mozilla/5.0 (i686; AROS; Odyssey Web Browser; rv:1.25) AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) OWB/1.25 Safari/602.1
Commento 55
amiwell79 19 Luglio 2018    12:58:00
io non l'ho mai usato amithlon quando uscì, non ero abbastanza informato cmq amiga inc doveva andare per la sua strada sbattendosene degli utenti legati alle loro convinzioni, apple fece così quando passo a x86

Commento modificato il 19/07/2018 alle ore 13:01:55


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** Mozilla/5.0 (i686; AROS; Odyssey Web Browser; rv:1.25) AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) OWB/1.25 Safari/602.1
Commento 56
amiwell79 19 Luglio 2018    13:15:13
Umilator was the official name of 'Berniethlon'. When Bernd 'Bernie' Meyer ended his contract with Haage &Partner he continued to replace bits of code the proposed Amithlon v2 upgrade that had been written by Harold Frank or Haage &Partner. This would allow him to sell the emulator as an independent product and resolve the legality issues that had plagued the Haage &Partner version. However, he continued to be harassed by his former employers who attempted to prevent other developers (such as the people behind Picasso96) licensing their code to him. After some attempt for mediation by an unknown third party, talks broke down in fall/autumn 2002. Bernie set December 1st, 2002 as a date when the situation must be resolved, otherwise he indicated he would abandon development. Although Amiga Inc. provided support for a short while (announcing a range of x86-based machines), they did nothing to support the Umilator project and a public notice was given that Umilator was effectively dead.

amiga inc a gettato la spugna alla fine


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** Mozilla/5.0 (i686; AROS; Odyssey Web Browser; rv:1.25) AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) OWB/1.25 Safari/602.1
Commento 57
amiwell79 19 Luglio 2018    13:15:58
Umilator Feature List

Although this product will almost certainly never see the light of day (given the distinct lack of miracles in the current Amiga market), I have received numerous requests to provide a list of features of The Product Formerly Known As Amithlon2, or "Umilator". So here is that list.

This just lists the differences between Umilator and the original Amithlon --- features already available in Amithlon are only mentioned if there have been improvements (or at least changes . It should also be noted that a number of the improvements have been made available for the original Amithlon in the form of updates and contrib packs... so if you think "Hey, I already got that!", that might be why...

Drivers/PCI system

One of the big problems in Amithlon was the scarcity of drivers, especially for sound and network cards. Umilator addresses this by facilitating the drivers available for the underlying linux kernel.

AmigaOS SANA-2 driver wrapping around linux networking drivers. Please note that this is very different from the bsdsocket way of wrapping that can be found in WinUAE and AmigaXL. The Umilator driver sends and receives ethernet frames just like any other SANA-2 driver. Only the lowest level hardware access is handled by the linux drivers, for everything else, you still run an Amiga side networking stack (e.g. Miami, Genesis, Envoy) or network utilities. Full support for multiple network cards.
AmigaOS AHI driver wrapping around linux sound drivers. Special care has been taken to avoid an extra layer of buffering (and thus increased sound latency) being introduced through this wrapping. The linux driver is used only to set up the card and handle the low level hardware interrupts; The AHI driver writes directly into the card's playback buffer, just as it would on, say, a Toccata card on a "real" Amiga. Full support for multiple sound cards, as well as both playback and recording.
AmigaOS serial device wrapping around linux serial driver. Linux's UART initialization code has been refined and debugged for years, and can optimally handle a plethora of different chips and multi-port cards, and possibly even USB-to-serial converters (although that is completely untested). Support for up to 8 serial ports.
Automatic hardware detection system. At bootup, a small utility is run that scans the system's PCI bus and loads the appropriate linux driver modules for the sound and network cards found. Hardware-to-module mapping is defined in an editable config file, and modules are loaded from the Amiga-side filesystem, so they can easily be upgraded or added to.
Hardware accesses to the Amiga's parallel port are transparently translated into accesses to the PC's parallel port. No more need for custom devices, the AmigaOS parallel.device works.
IDE/SCSI hard disk driver now uses linux "raw disk" devices for increased throughput, lower CPU load, and increased responsiveness. Also improved support for removable disks (ZIP, LS120).
Integrated wheel and multi-button mouse support, with overridable auto-detection for the number of mouse wheels present.
Keyboard support more robust in the presence of non-OS programs that directly read CIA registers (e.g. the "Matrix" screen saver, and possibly MCP). Also fixed Caps-Lock and Right-Ctrl handling, and optional support for keyboard LED setting.
PuhDerBaer (Paula-to-AHI redirection) now provides stereo sound.
Support for outputting sound at arbitrary pitch and length through the PC's internal speaker, and a utility to patch AmigaOS's "DisplayBeep" function to make use of it (DisplayBeep can only flash the display in 8 bit modes, not in 16 or 24 bit modes).
Graphics system

Full 2-D accellerated support for additional graphics cards (e.g. GeForce3, GeForce4-MX, Voodoo3/4/5, Matrox G550).
Improved 2-D accelleration, massively improving opaque window moves and other off-screen bitmap uses.
Support for Matrox multihead cards, and for multiple cards in the same computer. Support for individual configuration of all found cards/heads.
Support for changing resolution, bit depth and display timings even on cards only supported through VESA bios.
Support for hardware big-endian display modes on Matrox and Voodoo cards at full speed. Support for software-emulated big-endian modes on other cards (at the cost of some performance).
Improved calculation of display timings, and improved support for user-supplied timings.
Support for limiting amount of gfx memory reported, to avoid bitmap and/or pointer corruption while lots of off-screen bitmaps are in use.
More descriptive modenames, based on the type of gfx card.
Improved detection of gfx card parameters.

Graphical boot menu, allowing easy setting of configuration options during CD boot.
Included thorough memory tester as boot option.
Support for overriding boot priorities from boot menu, orividing "rescue mode" boot (forcing boot from known-good minimal OS3.9 install included on the CD).
Default resolution when booting from CD now 1024x768x16bpp. Looks much better than 640x480x8
New and improved early bootup screen, with all the functionality implemented within the emulator itself. This overcomes the problem where the SetPatch-caused reboot ignores the boot selection made in the ESM.
"mbr.device" pseudo-device, allowing manipulation and creation of MBR (aka "PC standard") partition tables using AmigaOS HD-Toolbox.
Support for a new type of "virtual disk" that holds both the files required to boot the PC as well as space to be used as a hard drive by AmigaOS. Thus, a full Umilator install can now fit into a single partition.
Ability to install Umilator fully self-booting on a previously empty hard drive completely from within AmigaOS, using only standard AmigaOS tools. Such an install has a graphical boot menu identical to that on the CD.
Patch applicator with full checking for patches obsoleted by updated main executable or later patches, allowing for convenient application of in-the-field fixes.
CPU Emulation/JIT Compiler

Pentium4 compatible (Intel changed the way the BSF and BSR instructions work in the Pentium4, and thus broke the JIT compiler on P4 equipped machines).
Many bugfixes and improvements in the FPU emulation. Imagine version 5 now seems to run correctly.
JIT cache size can be specified as a percentage of available memory, and defaults to 12%. Specifying an absolute size in kilobyte is still possible.
Improved safety-net fallback mechanism for JIT compiler, making it more tolerant towards software using the same instructions both to access real memory as well as custom chip registers (e.g. PGP).
Much improved statistics are gathered and can be viewed regarding many aspects of JIT compiler.

Distribution as freely downloadable and redistributable ISO image.
By default, CD boots in "Demo mode", which has the following restrictions:
No support for writing to hard disks, floppies or CD-R/RW. Writing to ram disks (and the minimal OS 3.9 installation kept inside a linux ramdisk) is not restricted.
After a timeout period of 20 minutes, emulation speed will be gradually reduced.
Screen refresh limited to 65Hz or less.
Through the purchase of an individualized registration key, the demo version can be upgraded to full functionality.
Registration keys can easily and transparently stored on the hard drive, making entering them a one-time-only hassle.
Systems for both online and dealer distribution of registration keys have been designed and implemented.
Kickstart Image has been modified in various ways, preventing abuse of Umilator-included IP outside it.
Except for P96, Kickstart and partial OS 3.9 (which are required to get anything running), no force-bundled commercial software, allowing for low retail price.
Attractive default OS 3.9 install that has been enhanced through numerous free add-ons, providing a modern look and functionality to WB 3.9.
Various freeware and demo versions included on CD ready to run, to allow for convenient testing/demoing of emulated Amiga.

Workaround for OS3.9BB2 resident tag memory corruption bug.
Massive rework of internal ELF loader for x86, dramatically improving load speed for large modules.
Support for an additional 68k->x86 call mechanism designed by Martin Blom to allow for faster library calling in code generated by his big-endian x86 compiler.
Improved "setconfig" mechanism, generally avoiding the need for a setconfig-caused reboot.
Improved support for directly user-accessible high-resolution timers (as opposed to only providing the same functionality through cumbersome CIA emulation).
Added OS3.9BB2 stacksize cookies to all included tools that require increased stack.
GPL'ed debugger running "beside" the emulation, with support for viewing/watching/protecting arbitrary areas of memory (including segtracker support), disassembling as either 68k or x86 code and watching the emulation-internal log file. Debugger is used through a telnet interface from a second PC --- thus it can be used for post-mortem work after an AmigaOS crash. Extremely handy for AmigaOS as well as x86 code development.
Linux kernel

Reworked PCI remapping strategy overcoming boot failures common on DELL machines (their BIOS initializes the PCI bus in a bizarre way!).
Mechanism to boost emulation thread's priority over other I/O related threads during times when rapid emulation response is required.
Support for powering off machine under software control (requires cooperation of motherboard's APM BIOS).
Timing and speed improvements for gfx accelleration.
Support for gathering and retreiving emulation performance statistics.
Kernel updated to version 2.4.20pre4.
No more green square around boing ball when booting in 16 or 24 bpp VESA modes

Pegasus RyuSei Ken

Post inviati: 10185

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87.15.126.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36
Commento 58
Seiya 19 Luglio 2018    13:21:07
Amiga Inc e Hyperion erano uno contro l'altro e questi ultimi avevano tra le mani OS4 e Warp3D. Tutti gli altri eramno tagliati fuori. Ecco perchè MorphOS a ideato il suo sistema 3D personalizzato, proprio per non dipendere più da queste persone di mentalgià chiusa e xenofoba


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.23.*** Mozilla/5.0 (i686; AROS; Odyssey Web Browser; rv:1.25) AppleWebKit/602.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) OWB/1.25 Safari/602.1
Commento 59
amiwell79 19 Luglio 2018    18:18:22
adesso su x86 gira aros cmq dal fallimento di commodore la situazione non si discosta dalla nicchia e penso che rimmarrà così


Post inviati: 12278

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46.141.119.*** NetSurf/3.6 (AmigaOS,m68k)
Commento 60
amiwell79 7 Gennaio 2019    15:50:05
ho notato che il sistema va meglio su un vecchio pentium 4 su 478 a 1,7 Ghz da 10 euro, che su un core 2 duo, tutto fila liscio, per esempio prima dovevo aspettare che scompattasse un file per fare un'altra cosa, adesso no ne faccio mille di cose in contemporanea, sono soddisfatto e contento, nel frattempo ho preso ei ricambi a prezzi irrisori

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