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05 Novembre 2006 Postato da: Muad-dib
Amiga Development India
Perchè Bill McEwen punta su Ruksun ? forse le competenze software degli ingegneri porteranno uno sviluppo accelerato di AmigaOS5?o ad Amiga inc. interessa solo AmigaAnywhere? leggete la risposta di Bill data al giornalista, vorrei aprire una discussione su questa mossa dello staff Amiga.Cosa ne pensate ?

15.) Amiga announced a few days ago that they had acquired the
Indian company Ruksun Software Technologies, and renamed it Amiga
Development India. How does this acquisition fit in with your overall strategy? A relatively big part of Ruksun seems to be fairly traditional consultants with Java and .Net experience. Will this part of their activities continue?

BM>> ADI (Amiga Development India) serves three purposes for Amiga. The first is that it establishes a presence and office in one of the fastest growing economies in the world. As Amiga expands our products and offerings we are going to be establishing offices in other locations as well. The second item that ADI offers is a suite of great technologies and products that we acquired as part of the purchase. These products are going to be part of the Amiga portfolio, and more will be learned about these as we bring them to market over the coming months. The third is their continuing
development business which is continuing and is the main focus of that division of our company. They have numerous customers and contracts that they are serving and this is going to continue, and in fact that business is going to grow substantially from what it is today.

Modificato il 05/11/2006

Commenti: 3  Aggiungi  - Leggi

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Post inviati: 198

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151.47.198.*** Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Commento 1
Wildwolf 5 Novembre 2006    21:32:31
Dicono che gli indiani siano tra i migliori programmatori ma sapranno cos'è un Amiga?

Guru Meditation........

Post inviati: 172

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151.26.58.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; it-it) AppleWebKit/417.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.9
Commento 2
Muad-dib 9 Novembre 2006    11:34:25

Dicono che gli indiani siano tra i migliori programmatori ma sapranno cos'è un Amiga?

Alcuni amici della facoltà di informatica di Fisciano mi hanno confermato quello che dici tu , speriamo che Amiga inc. diventi un azienda di buon livello software.

Post inviati: 198

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151.47.239.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/
Commento 3
Wildwolf 9 Novembre 2006    17:42:34
Speriamo che finiscano sto benedetto OS4 e che comincino col 5. Anche se però, non sembra sia il loro settore

Guru Meditation........

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