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10 Maggio 2012 Postato da: carlo
WinUAE 2.4.1 versione Ufficiale

Modificato il 10/05/2012 alle ore 19:20:11

Commenti: 1  Aggiungi  - Leggi

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212.14.142.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20120128 Firefox/3.6.26
Commento 1
carlo 10 Maggio 2012    19:20:24

Queste le nuove caratteristiche:

WinUAE 2.4.1 released (09.05.2012)

"Traditional" x.x.0 bug fix update and some improvements.

2.4.0 bugs fixed:

- CDFS problems fixed. (crashes, wrong case if RockRidge or Joliet, truncated file comments)
- Fake 60Hz didn't work.
- Software filter major slowdown in higher resolutions.
- D3D overlay mask scaling artifacts in some resolutions.
- D3D "CRT" filters had bad geometry.
- Automatic resize resized continuously in interlaced modes.
- Some USB joysticks had multiple buttons with same name and dpad diagonal movement didn't work.
- Keyboard reset warning emulation didn't work.
- Legacy VSync works correctly again.
- Bsdsocket emulation gethostbyname("ip.address") random crash.

Other bugs fixed:

- Automatic scale/center/resize didn't work in ECS SuperPlus screen mode.
- OCS/ECS max hires overscan didn't show first 4 pixels. (ECS SuperPlus)
- 68020 cycle-exact mode statefile reliability improved. (Random "CPU trace" errors)
- 0.5M Chip RAM was detected as 1M in JIT mode.
- Mouse cursor jumping to top/left corner in some virtual machines when mouse button was clicked.

New features and updates:

- Fastest possible CPU mode (including JIT) throttle option (-10% to -90%)
- Approximate CPU mode speed adjustment (-90% to +500%). Replaces old CPU/Chipset adjustment.
- Fastest possible CPU mode timing improved.
- Low latency vsync stability improved.
- Internal display buffering system rewritten, PAL/NTSC vertical centering, even better screen
positioning in programmed modes.
- Fullscreen (TV)/(Max) filter mode programmed mode and PAL/NTSC switching support.
- Custom Input Event autofire support.
- Switch to another monitor if multiple monitors with different resolutions and current RTG resolution
is not supported by current monitor.
- CDFS statefile support implemented.
- Sound sync improved.
- Debugger basic math operator support (+-).
- Autoscaling improved (CD32 boot screen).

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