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02 Aprile 2020 Postato da: divina
prossimo nuovo browser per MorphOS news
In MoprhOS 3.14 dovrebbe essere presente una prima versione del nuovo browser, alcune informazioni in merito

"New browser for MorphOS in development
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek from the MorphOS team who recently developed the IMAP capable e-mail client Iris now is working on a new browser for MorphOS which is not a further development of Odyssey but a completely new approach based on the latest version of the HTML rendering engine Webkit.

Piszczek explained that the browser will probably require 1 Gigabyte RAM and will not support video playback or the "webinspector" mode of Webkit due to the limited processor and graphics card performances of the computers currently supportd by MorphOS. Already now the project has high demands on MorphOS and the SDK, among others errors happened in the compiler and the TCP stack as well as Exec and others components had to be adjusted. Therefore public beta versions will not be released before the availability of MorphOS 3.14.

In a discussion on the developer publishes short status messages. Today for the first tima a screenshot has been published."

prima immagine


Modificato il 03/04/2020 alle ore 11:39:41

Commenti: 6  Aggiungi  - Leggi

Indice: forum / Software Amiga in generale


Post inviati: 12313

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46.141.119.*** Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14
Commento 1
amiwell79 2 Aprile 2020    23:56:36
ho parlato con jacadcaps

Commento modificato il 02/04/2020 alle ore 23:57:06

Curatore della distribuzione Tiny Aros

Post inviati: 7761

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37.160.38.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; HUAWEI VNS-L31) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36
Commento 2
DanyPPC 3 Aprile 2020    06:50:23
Ma sarà integrato nell'os ?

A1200T OS3.9 BB4 PPC 240/060/256MB/BVision/IndivisionAGA MK2cr/BMon Switch/HD 80GB/DVD-RW/Drive 1,76Mb/Honey Bee CD32 Pad

A1200 OS3.9 BB4 ACA030/42/128MB/CF8GB/PCMCIA 4GB/PSX Adapter

A1200 OS3.1.4 030/50/64MB/CF16GB/PCMCIA 4GB/PSX Adapter

A1200 OS 3.1 2MB

A600 OS2.0 2MB/Gotek/Sega Pad

Post inviati: 2744

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79.37.75.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36
Commento 3
Oge 3 Aprile 2020    11:13:28
Molto bravi.

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0
Commento 4
divina 3 Aprile 2020    11:24:23

Ma sarà integrato nell'os ?


lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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217.133.133.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0
Commento 5
divina 3 Aprile 2020    11:39:00
altre infos interessanti

"MorphOS 3.13 works just fine on QEmu and it is often convenient for me to test things on the machine that I'm developing this on. That's obviously an Intel box since compiling this on MorphOS would take ages. My build VM gets 10 cores and 12GB of RAM and it still takes over 15 minutes for a full build...
Back to the point though: obviously this works just fine on my PowerPC hw and I often test on a Mini and a G5. "

Commento modificato il 03/04/2020 alle ore 11:40:36

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin


Post inviati: 12313

Visulizza profilo Messaggio Personale
46.141.119.*** Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14
Commento 6
amiwell79 3 Aprile 2020    12:04:00
ottimo direi

Curatore della distribuzione Tiny Aros

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